Our founding document and guiding reference.
The Pool: Valois Park Pool
The Committee: Valois Park Pool Committee
Member: Any person with a current, paid membership at Valois Park Pool. Memberships are valid from the time of registration until the last day of Early Bird registration in the following year, or until a membership has been terminated if this has occurred prior to the end of the term of the membership.
October 2003 Annual General Meeting – Section 2.0 Constitution Approved
October 2003 Annual General Meeting – Section 2.4 Paragraph 2 Constitutional Amendment approved.
June 2009 – Entire hard copy transcribed to Microsoft Word
May 2013 – Spelling corrections and re-formatted for inclusion on the pool’s website
Valois Citizens Association (VCA) believes that a collaborative approach to the management of the Valois pool is essential. It is expected that the VCA Pool committee seeks always to collaborate with the members of the pool and the staff of the pool, to attend to the daily functioning of the pool, as well as the year to year organizational responsibilities.
This collaborative approach will be facilitated through open communication and dialogue with the members and the Valois community. Meeting minutes will be available upon request and financial affairs will be available for scrutiny.
The committee and the staff will seek to establish a cooperative as well as collaborative relationship rooted in professionalism. Concerns will be dealt with in a systematic and thorough manner with the objective being a positive perception of Valois Pool by the members and the community at large, in addition to the smooth and efficient functioning of the Valois Pool.
The Valois Citizens Association meets once per year to elect a committee, which manages the operation of the Valois Pool. This election is held during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The AGM is typically held in October. Notice of time and place of the meeting will be announced 21 days in advance.
Following the election of committee members, the said committee meets on at least 10 other occasions during the calendar year.
The purpose of the AGM is as follows:
- Hold elections for the Valois Pool committee.
- Based on elected members of the committee and those committee members who will be actively participating in meetings for the following year, quorum shall be established.
- Vote on constitutional matters and approve financial summaries.
- Ratify motions and bylaw changes made during the previous year.
Regular meetings outside of the AGM are held in order to facilitate the management and operation of the pool.
Generally meetings are held monthly, with the exception of the month of December. During the pool season, meetings are held every 2 weeks or as required.
Meeting quorum shall be set at 50% +1 of committee members who will be actively participating in meetings for the following year, as established at the AGM. Quorum must be maintained during the entire meeting.
Any pool member, with a fully paid membership from the preceding summer, 18 years of age or over, is eligible to participate in the election process during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Each member is eligible to cast one vote.
One purpose of the AGM is to elect a committee. If a critical committee member responsibility is not assigned, the elected committee may:
- During a separate meeting, delegate the unassigned critical tasks/responsibilities to elected committee members. The committee must also assign an interim committee member who will be responsible for acting or communicating, at their discretion, back to the committee regarding tasks which were not assigned. The committee may request the assistance from the City of Pointe Claire, Director of Recreation, to be responsible for certain defined tasks.
- Leave the position vacant until a volunteer is identified.
Following the AGM, the committee is responsible for voting on any fundamental operational issue. Votes are conducted during a committee meeting. Each active committee member is eligible to cast one vote. The chairperson does not cast a vote, except in the case of a tie. Pool members are not eligible to vote.
Open committee positions can be filled during the year by an election at any committee meeting.
Pool members may submit a request for a referendum vote, accompanied by 20 signatures of pool members. The request should clearly detail the issue to be resolved. The committee must resolve the issue or hold a referendum vote.
Each sub-committee should be composed of a maximum of three elected members, plus the chairperson as “ex-officio” member.
The resignation, suspension or expulsion of any committee member, member or employee shall be discussed and voted upon by the committee.
The committee shall be composed of no fewer than 5 members. The roles of these committee and subcommittee members shall be detailed in the bylaws.
The constitution may only be amended during an AGM or referendum.
The spirit of the constitution supersedes any and all bylaws. All bylaws must follow the spirit of the constitution. The bylaws may be amended during any regular committee meeting, at any time during the year. If required, a proposed bylaw may require to be voted on if general consensus cannot be achieved.
- Ensure the long-term financial health of the pool.
- Ensure that the manager and staff act in accordance with the principles and beliefs of the pool.
- Ensure that our members are satisfied with the pool services.
- Provide a fun, social setting with activities that draw people together in a sense of community spirit.
- Ensure that facilities are clean and well-maintained at all times.
- Ensure that the pool schedules satisfy the needs of all members, balancing time spent on lessons and team practices with the needs of people to enjoy free swim.
- Ensure that the general membership is informed of who we are, how we work, rules, regulations, changes in schedules, etc, in a timely manner.
- Ensure an open communication exists between the membership and the pool committee.
- Conflict of interest or the appearance of such must be disclosed to the full committee. The committee. Not including the said member, shall discuss all consequences and decide what limitations are appropriate to avoid any such impropriety.
- Reimbursable expenses not budgeted for shall be paid for justified costs as follows:
- Under $50 – Costs must be justified.
- $50 – $250 – Costs must be approved by Treasurer and Chairperson.
- $250 and more – Costs must be approved by the committee.
The treasurer has the following responsibilities:
- Provide Annual financial statements of pertinent fiscal activity for the pool. A complete report shall be submitted during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The pool’s fiscal year begins and ends on these dates: Oct.1 – Sept. 30
- Management & presentation of overall budget and breakdowns for each sub committee.
- Define procedures for emergency spending and the spending of petty cash. Generally any minor justified costs under $50 do not require prior approval of the treasurer or Chairperson.
- Future possibility of developing a property audit of all equipment and moveable property.
- On a monthly basis report all bills which have been paid and which are to be paid.
- Report a pre-summer budget (post membership drive and contracts) including estimated sub-committee budgets.
- Report all assets and liabilities monthly.
- Complete payroll at a frequency to be determined with the staff manager and the Chairperson.
The Secretary has the following responsibilities:
- Prepare meetings Agendas and minutes and distribute to all committee members.
- The secretary shall also develop a schedule of meetings to be approved by the committee.
- The reservation of meeting places is the responsibility of the secretary.
- Meetings should ratify any interim decision that have taken place between committee meetings.
- A reference guide for meeting protocol is the Roberts Rules of Order.
- Report to the committee any official correspondence received.
- The secretary shall maintain the Valois Pool Citizen Association Constitution and Bylaws.
- Valois Library permits , at no charge, the posting of any community-related announcements provided they are bilingual.
- Meeting Place reservations:
- Pointe Claire Aquatic Center Conference Room
- Valois Pool
- The Centreprise (Valois Village)
The following are the primary responsibilities of Valois Pool Staffing Sub-committee. These responsibilities relate to the hiring and supervision of Valois Pool employees.
- interviews for all positions – October and November (after AGM) maintaining records of interviews and applications)
- contract signing – February, March and April (Contracts are typically 10 weeks)
- first staff meeting in April or May (one Valois Pool Staffing Sub-committee member and the Chair of Valois Pool Committee to attend)
- mid-season evaluation – July 15th to 30th
- end of season evaluation
- end of season – seek input from employees regarding their desire to return to Valois Pool for next season (regardless of their intentions they will still be expected to follow same procedures as any prospective employee); see attached letter of intent.
Evaluation process:
- Manager completes evaluation form (see attached mid-season and end of season evaluation forms), assisted by assisted managers and done collaboratively with all staff; relevant feedback from Staffing Sub-committee members should be considered
- Manager is evaluated collaboratively by Chair of Valois Pool Committee and the Chair of Valois Pool Staffing Sub-committee; Manager and Assistant Managers input are considered part of the collaboration
- Evaluations are reviewed by Valois Pool Staffing Sub-committee, Chair of Valois Pool Committee and Manager; if necessary, appropriate disciplinary actions should follow
- A brief formal report (no names – generalized) is submitted to the Valois Pool Committee
- Evaluations are put in a confidential personnel file (off-site)
Additional points:
- The Chair of Valois Pool Committee provides direct supervision of Manager; he/she designates a member of the Staffing Sub-committee if absent
- The Staffing Sub-committee will appoint a Chair of their sub-committee; Chair of Valois Pool Committee is ex-officio member of the Staffing Sub-committee
- To help ensure confidentiality, all supervisory concerns (including evaluations and disciplinary actions) should be directed first through the Chair of Valois Pool Committee, then through the Chair of Staffing Sub-committee; finally, only general information should be provided to the Staffing Sub-committee members (except in extreme situations necessitating further consultations and actions).
- At least bi-weekly staff meetings for information sharing and overall functioning of the pool; involvement in the decision making-process in issues of disciplinary action
- Development of policies related to staffing
- Regular feedback as sub-committee to Valois Pool Committee
- Hiring updates on a monthly basis. (Number of jobs filled vs. open, changes, etc.)
- Pre-season presentation of substantially complete staff
- Post season review and recommendations to be complete at AGM
- A copy of all staff contracts should be filed in a safe place and/or with a copy submitted to the secretary.
- A list of all employees and their Social Insurance Numbers should be submitted to the treasurer for payroll.
- Annual review of staffing policies and job descriptions
- Seek out opinions of the committee during the AGM regarding staff performance
- Propose any policy changes based on comments from staff or members to address problems of inefficiencies
- Identify problems and how they were dealt with
- Provide a list of final staffing
- Provide the secretary with a copy of evaluations (mid-term and final) and contracts
The social committee has the following responsibilities:
General tasks:
- Plan social events during the pool season (BBQ, parties and activities)
- Have staff make posters and advertise events
- Buy necessary food and refreshments for events
- Complete a budget for social activities
Decision making:
- Setting dates for each social event
- Deciding what food and activities will be included in each event
Consultation responsibilities:
- Consulting with the committee for its opinion of new events or ideas
- Coordinating the scheduling of events with other sub-committees and events at the pool
Reporting responsibilities:
- The schedule of events
- Year end report with the summary of events, participation, budget review and recommendations for the following year
The membership sub-committee has the following responsibilities:
General tasks:
- Annual review of membership policies
- Annual review of registration process
- Coordinate publicity – including flyer distribution, information to Pointe Claire for website, posters, submitting ads to newspaper
- Prepare all documents for registration – including personalized registration forms, blank registration forms for new members, Member’s Guide, volunteer forms, Promotion flyer, etc.
- Coordinate registration process – general registration and late registrations
- Enter membership data into computer
- Maintain membership records – on paper and electronically (electronically if possible)
- Receive requests for donations (this can also be handled by the Treasurer
- Receive requests for financial assistance on membership fees
- Receive requests for special memberships and contracts for use of the pool – such as Daycare, Went Island Association for the Intellectually Handicapped, group homes, schools – St. John Fisher, etc.
- Follow-up on guest list inconsistencies provided by the Gate Guard sub-committee
Decision making responsibilities:
- Set dates for registration (generally a minimum of 3 weeks from the end of registration to opening day)
- Decide on process for registration
- Review application for financial assistance. Accept and reject application (this is handled discretely between the Membership Sub-Committee head and the Chairperson. Records to be maintained)
Consultation responsibilities:
- Proposal of policy changes
- At AGM – proposal of budget and distribution of donation funds to local organizations (consensus)
- Presentation of a draft of the flyer and Members Guide for comments
- Propose fee structure – including guest fees – which can be dictated by the city of Pointe Claire
Reporting responsibilities:
- Fee Submittal Reports – detailed copy given to the Treasurer, summary to the committee
- Financial Assistance Report – summary only
- Gate Guard Membership Book submitted before opening day
- Pool Office Membership Book submitted before opening day, if possible
- Annual Report submitted at AGM including statistics, membership demographics
- Various reports that are developed and produced upon request – Team Lists, Volunteer Lists, etc.
The facilities sub-committee has the following responsibilities:
- Report any repairs or maintenance conducted on a monthly basis. Seek out and update “to-do” lists with the committee
- Provide the committee regular maintenance contract status, bids, and/or selection summaries.